Top 10 richest in the world

Top 10 richest men in the world.

Michael Bloomberg (U.S.)
CEO, Bloomberg

Age: 75
Net worth: $47.5 billion

8 (TIE). David Koch (U.S.)
Executive Vice President, Koch Industries

Age: 77
Net worth: $48.3 billion

8 (TIE). Charles Koch (U.S.)
CEO, Koch Industries

Age: 81
Net worth: $48.3 billion

7. Larry Ellison (U.S.)
Co-founder, Oracle

Age: 72
Net worth: $52.2 billion

6. Carlos Slim Helu (Mexico)
Chairman, América Móvil

Age: 77
Net worth: $54.5 billion

5. Mark Zuckerberg (U.S.)
Co-founder and CEO, Facebook

Age: 33
Net worth: $56 billion

4. Amancio Ortega (Spain)
Co-founder, Zara

Age: 81
Net worth: $71.3 billion

3. Jeff Bezos (U.S.)
CEO, Amazon

Age: 53
Net worth: $72.8 billion

2. Warren Buffett (U.S.)
CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

Age: 85
Net worth: $75.6 billion

1. Bill Gates (U.S.)
Co-founder, Microsoft

Age: 60
Net worth: $86 billion

Gates has held the No. 1 spot as the world's richest person for four years in a row, and for 18 out of the past 23 years

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